%( Width of the descendnace of one person %)
%( Width of the descendnace of one family %)
Person: Root
if(nb_families>1): |
Hbarspouse: -----------------------
& &
Spouse: Spouse1 Spouse2
if(has_children): | |
Hbarchild: ------------ |
if(not baseindex): | | |
Person: Child1 Child2 Child3
%( xxx=descendant, lll=current level (recursion), nnn=target level, sss="skip" or not %)
%( ttt=text, fff=position (left/right/cenetr/none), www= colspan %)
%(one level of descendants (%xxx.first_name;,lll,nnn,ttt,fff,www)
%if;(has_parents and father.surname!="?" and father.first_name!="?")
%if;(has_parents and mother.surname!="?" and mother.first_name!="?")