%( timeline contains: self events + birth of children + marriage of parents, children + death of parents, spouses, children Known bug: unable to have a %foreach; inside a sorted_list. So, unable to get the witnesses of an event. %) %let;l_mi;%if;(has_parents)%mother.index;%end;%in; %define;add(z1,z2,z3) %foreach;z1.event; %if;("z1" = "self" or event.name = [death] or (event.name = [birth] and "z1" = "child" ) or (event.name = [marriage event] and ("z1" = "child" or ("z1" = "father" and event.spouse.index = l_mi)))) %apply;add_in_sorted_list%with; %if;(event.has_date)%event.date.year;%else;9999%end; %and; %if;event.has_date;%event.date; %else;--- %end; %if;(event.has_place) %event.place;%end; %if;("z1" = "self") %apply;capitalize(event.name)%sp; %else; %apply;a_of_b%with; %apply;capitalize(event.name) %and; %self; %if;event.has_spouse; [with] %event.spouse;%end; %end; %end; %if;("z1" = "self") %if;event.has_witnesses;

%foreach;event_witness; %apply;capitalize(event_witness_kind) : %apply;short_display_person("event_witness")

%end; %end; %end; %end; %end; %end; %if;(has_event or has_families or has_parents) %empty_sorted_list; %if;(has_event) %apply;add("self","","") %end; %if;(has_families) %foreach;family; %apply;add("spouse","the spouse",spouse.sex) %if;(has_children) %foreach;child; %apply;add("child","a son/a daughter/a child",child.sex) %end; %end; %end; %end; %if;(has_parents) %apply;add("father","the father/the mother/a parent",0) %apply;add("mother","the father/the mother/a parent",1) %end;

[*time line]

%foreach;sorted_list_item; %item.2; %end;