[Connected components identified]
[You may observe results through two means][:]
[By looking at the terminal window if you have not asked for result redirection.]
[Using gwd to visualize the file in the NOTES folder of your base where you have redirected output (%a.gwb/notes_d/connex.txt).
This file contains the last set of data stored at this location (which is not necessarily the one you have just computed - see the time stamp at the head of the file).
This solution allows you to follow links to designated persons.]
Using gwd to visualize the file in the NOTES folder of your base
where you have redirected output (%a.gwb/notes_d/connex.txt).
This file contains the last set of data stored at this location
(which is not necessarily the one you have just computed -see the
time stamp at the head of the file).
This solution allows you to follow links to designated persons.
[Using gwsetup to visualize the file in which results were redirected ("%K").]
[Return to the main menu.] (welcome)