
[Merging databases]

%v{[Warning: there already exists a database with the name "%o" in your directory. If you push the button "Ok" below, it will be erased.] (list) %( Warning: there already exists a database with the name "%o" in your directory. If you push the button "Ok" below, it will be erased. %)

[If you just made this, it is probably its result, and therefore it is not important. Else, return to the previous page and choose another name for your database.] %( If you just made this, it is probably its result, and therefore it is not import ant. Else, return to the previous page and choose another name for your database. %)


[We are going to create a database named "%o" from the following databases:]

[Remark: this operation can answer in the twinkling of a eye or take some tenths of seconds or some minutes, depending on the cases. Be patient.] %( Remark: this operation can answer in the twinkling of a eye or take some tenths of seconds or some minutes, depending on the cases. Be patient. %)

[Push the button below to create your database] %v{
[, and overwrite the previous database "%o" of the target directory] }:


[For information, this operation corresponds to the following commands][:]

     $ cd "%w"
%s{     $ %x%/gwu %a -o %a.gw|}     $ %x%/gwc %s{-sep %a.gw |}\-f -o %o